引領全球的 飯店管理 餐飲管理 烹飪藝術 旅館管理 觀光管理 教育系統
引領全球的 旅館管理 餐飲管理 觀光管理 教育系統





  • 高中職畢或同等學歷
  • TOEFL 55 / IELTS 5.5
  • 年滿 17歲


廚藝藝術及國際商業大學學位 (BIB/BA)
Bachelor of International Business/Bachelor of Arts(Honours) in Culinary Arts

大學三年期間中廚房課程超過1,100小時,大一、大二各包含兩個半年實習課程,另外提供學生與Ritz Paris的合作課程。畢業獲得由英國德比大學與瑞士CAAS同步授予的學位證書。 學生在專業烹飪打下堅實的基礎,並且學習企業家經營精神。

CAAS 學士學制:三年完成大學學位


  • Bachelor of International Business in Culinary Arts, 瑞士學士學位
  • Bachelor of Arts(Honours) in Culinary Arts,University of Derby 英國德比大學學士學位


基礎廚藝技能 Acquire The Skill
Term 1 & 2 &3 (LE BOUVERET)


Le Bouveret 校區 (Term 1 & 2 & 3 各11星期)



大一課程表 (Pathway in Culinary Arts)

第一學期 Term 1 (11周) Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Classical Cooking傳統烹飪基礎
Food Safety & Sanitation食品安全與衛生
Introduction to Industry Experience產業經驗概論
French or German 1語言一級(法文/德文)
第二學期 Term 2 (11周) European Cuisine
Cuisines of Europe歐式料理
Taste through Time: Cultures and History of European Gastronomy歐洲美食文化及歷史
Introducation to Baking and Pastry Arts烘焙與糕點藝術概論
Nutrition, Health, and Special Diets營養、健康和特殊飲食
Business Communication商務溝通
French or German 2語言二級(法文/德文)
第三學期 Term 3 (11周) World Cuisine
Cuisines of the world世界料理
The World of Garde Manger冷盤世界
Taste through Time: Cultures and History of World Gastronomy世界美食文化與歷史
Kitchen Management and Leadership廚房管理與領導
French or German 3語言三級(法文/德文)

大一課程表 (Pathway in Pastry & Chocolate Arts)

第一學期 Term 1 (11周) Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Classical Baking and Pastry古典烘焙和糕點基礎知識
Food Safety & Sanitation食品安全與衛生
Introduction to Industry Experience產業經驗概論
French or German 1語言一級(法文/德文)
第二學期 Term 2 (11周) European Cuisine
Chocolate Arts and Modern Dessserts巧克力藝術與現代甜點
Taste through Time: History and Culture of Pastry & Chocolate Arts糕點和巧克力藝術的歷史和文化
Nutrition, Health, and Special Diets營養、健康和特殊飲食
Business Communication商務溝通
French or German 2語言二級(法文/德文)
第三學期 Term 3 (11周) World Cuisine
From Concept to Masterpiece-Practical從概念到傑作-實務
From Concept to Masterpiece-Theory從概念到傑作-理論
Baking and Pastry: Trends, Concepts, and Innovations烘焙與糕點:趨勢、概念與創新
Kitchen Management and Leadership廚房管理與領導
French or German 3語言三級(法文/德文)

大一課程表 (Pathway in Vegetarian Culinary Arts)

第一學期 Term 1 (11周) Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Vegetarian and Plant-Based Cooking蔬食和植物性烹飪的基礎知識
Food Safety & Sanitation食品安全與衛生
Introduction to Industry Experience產業經驗概論
French or German 1語言一級(法文/德文)
第二學期 Term 2 (11周) World Cuisine
Vegetarian Cuisines of the World世界蔬食美食
Taste through Time:
-History and Culture of Vegetarian
-Cuisines and Plant-Based Diets

Introduction to Vegan Baking and Pastry Arts純素烘焙與糕點藝術簡介
Nutrition, Health, and Special Diets營養、健康和特殊飲食
Business Communication商務溝通
French or German 2語言二級(法文/德文)
第三學期 Term 3 (11周)
Vegetarian and Plant-Based Bistronomy Cuisine蔬食和植物性精緻料理美食
Vegan Dessert Creations純素甜點創作
Vegetarian Culinary Trends: Whole Foods, Sustainability, and Beyond蔬食烹飪趨勢:全食、永續性及其他
Kitchen Management and Leadership Training廚房管理與領導訓練
French or German 3語言三級(法文/德文)
薪資:2,212 ~ 2,450瑞郎 (瑞士政府之保障薪資),其他國家依雇傭情況
淨得:大約1000 瑞郎 (扣除食宿稅金保險後)


Swiss Advanced Certificate in Culinary Arts


邁向廚藝大師Master the Art
Term 4 & 5 (LE BOUVERET)


Le Bouveret 校區 (Term 4 & 5 各11星期)



大二課程表 (Pathway in Culinary Arts)

第四學期 Term 4 (11周)
Fine Dining Cooking-Practical精緻餐飲烹飪-實務
Fine Dining Cooking-Theory美食烹飪理論
Restaurant Service and Managemnet餐廳服務與管理
Wine, Beverage & Mixology (in collaboration with Ritz Paris)酒類飲品及調酒學 (與Ritz巴黎合作)
Advanced Baking and Pastry (in collaboration wirh Ritz Paris)進階烘焙及糕點 (與Ritz 巴黎合作)
第五學期 Term 5 (11周)
Innovative Gourmet Cooking-Practical創新美食烹飪-實務
Innovative Gourmet Cooking-Theory創新美食烹飪理論
The World of Chocolate Arts巧克力藝術世界
Food Product Development食品開發
Applied Research應用研究

大二課程表 (Pathway in Pastry & Chocolate Arts)

第四學期 Term 4 (11周)
Fine Dining : Pastry and Desserts-Practical精緻餐飲:糕點與甜點-實務
Fine Dining : Pastry and Desserts-Theory精緻餐飲:糕點與甜點-理論
Restaurant Service and Managemnet餐廳服務與管理
Wine, Beverage & Mixology (in collaboration with Ritz Paris)酒類飲品及調酒學 (與Ritz巴黎合作)
Cafe and Bakery : Catering進階烘焙及糕點 (與Ritz 巴黎合作)
第五學期 Term 5 (11周)
Innovative Gourmet : Pastry, and Desserts-Practical創新美食:糕點、甜點-實務
Innovative Gourmet : Pastry, and Desserts-Theory創新美食:糕點、甜點-理論
Food Product Development食品開發
Cafe and Bakery : Concepts and Management咖啡館和麵包店:概念和管理
Applied Research應用研究

大二課程表 (Pathway in Vegetarian)

第四學期 Term 4 (11周)
Vegetarian Fine Dining Cooking-Practical蔬食美食烹飪-實務
Vegetarian Fine Dining Cooking-Theory蔬食美食烹飪-理論
Restaurant Service and Managemnet餐廳服務與管理
Wine, Beverage & Mixology (in collaboration with Ritz Paris)酒類飲品及調酒學 (與Ritz巴黎合作)
Advanced Vegan Baking and Pastry高級純素烘焙和糕點
第五學期 Term 5 (11周)
Innovative Vegetarian Gourmet Cooking-Practical創新蔬食美食烹飪-實務
Innovative Vegetarian Gourmet Cooking-Theory創新蔬食美食烹飪-理論
The World of Chocolate Arts巧克力藝術世界
Food Product Development食品開發
Applied Research應用研究
薪資:2,212 ~ 2,450瑞郎 (瑞士政府之保障薪資),其他國家依雇傭情況
淨得:大約1000 瑞郎 (扣除食宿稅金保險後)


Swiss Higher Diploma in Culinary Studies


創造領導價值 Take The Lead
Term 6 & 7 (BRIG)

第六學期 Term 6 (11周)
Business Plan for the Entrepreneur 1企業家商業計劃書 1
Culinary Tourism廚藝旅遊
Strategic Marketing for the Food Industry食品業的策略行銷
Financial Accounting財務會計
Culinary Events Management烹飪活動管理
第七學期 Term 7 (11周)
Business Plan for the Entrepreneur 2企業家商業計劃書 2
Food & Beverage Concept Management餐飲概念管理
International Food & Wine Matching國際餐食與酒類搭配
Restaurant Design餐廳設計
Strategic Restaurant Management策略餐廳管理


CAAS與英國 University of Derby大學雙學士學位

  • Bachelor of International Business in Culinary Arts Awarded by César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Culinary Arts Awarded By University of Derby, UK
  • 備註1 一學期為11周課程
  • 備註2 若只完成1年課程,可獲得Swiss Advanced Certificate in Culinary Arts
  • 備註3 若只完成2年課程,可獲得Swiss Higher Diploma in Culinary Studies
  • 備註4 若完成3年所有課程,除可獲得CAAS大學學士學位(由César Ritz頒發)及英國Derby大學學位外,並可獲得備註1及2之證書及文憑
